生産品の名声が特定の産地に関係することがある。それらの生産品は、その原産地に起因する特徴を持ち、特別な環境で作られたことを表すシールによって認識される。 原産地名称は地域を認識できる名称を組み込んだ地理的起源表示であり、自然や人工的な要因を含む地域環境に起因する独自の品質や特徴を持っている。 本年4月22日にペルー競争防止及び知的財産権庁 (INDECOPI) は、シェフの Flavio Solórzano Alvarez 氏と共同で”Recipes With Origin”(原産地付きレシピ)という本を出版した。この本は読者に、原産地名称制度 (Denomination of Origin: DO) の意味を伝え、INDECOPI を通して国から与えられる識別標識としてのDOを理解してもらうものとなっており、生産品の原産地や栽培状況等の固有の特徴を記述している。また、ペルー人の生活の中で調理法を通して原産地名称制度の促進にも使われている。
Designations of Origin and the Peruvian Cuisine
The prestige of certain products should be, in the majority of cases, that they are linked to a particular origin or geographical origin. This is due to the fact that these products have special features that can be attributed precisely to its geographical origin, recognizing that it offers some special circumstances of production and elaboration that gives them a peculiar seal.
Designations of Origin are designations of geographical origin incorporated in the strict sense by names that identify a geographical area, independent of what is its extension and whose quality or feature of which are due exclusively or essentially to the geographical environment, including natural and human factors.
They can also be constituted by a denomination that, without being properly the geographical name of a region or locality, denotes a geographical origin certain and unequivocal when applied to a particular product. The traditional appellations can be assimilated to designations of origin for legal purposes, and they can be recognized and protected in the same way.
Between the geographical origin and the characteristics of the product designated by the name, there is a close connection, called the bond of quality or qualitative link. Also these product characteristics are represented by two types of factors: one human and a natural one.
Human factors relate to those on which the man has a direct influence, as the techniques and traditional knowledge applied to products or procedures in the development, cultivation etc.; cultural practices of the place of origin of the products among others.
On the other hand, the natural factors are represented principally by the composition of the soil or land, climate, altitude, the decline, the winds the presence of animal and plant species, the topographic and hydrographic aspects among others.
That is why on the 22nd of April of this year the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property in collaboration with the chef Flavio Solórzano Alvarez, published the book “Recipes With Origin”. This publication is an effort to bring to the hands of the readers a vision of what it a Denomination of Origin (DO) means, understood as a “distinctive sign”, which is a recognition granted by the State through the Indecopi, used to declare the unique character that the geographical origin and cultural conditions confer to a product. as well as promote them through their use in our culinary art achieving the inclusion of each one of them to the life of Peruvians.
Author: Jesús Cuba – IP Lawyer