
サウジアラビアの商標登録プロセス- by Al Ajaleen Law & Intellectual Property

サウジアラビアでは通常、商標出願から登録まで4~6ヵ月かかります。登録までには、オフィシャルフィーのほか、以下の書類の提出が必要です。1.  委任状、2. 願書、3. 商標イメージ(JPEG)、4. 優先権証明書(必要な場合)

<全文> In Saudi Arabia, the trademark registration process that starts with filing, followed by official examination and publication, and finally culminates in the registration certificate issuance, takes between 4 to 6 months on average. The process requires submission of necessary documents as well as payment of governmental fees and professional charges. These requirements are outlined here under for your convenience:

Documentary requirements: 

  1. A power of attorney duly executed by the applicant, notarized and legalized up to the Saudi Arabian Consulate at the applicant end (form enclosed).
  2. Filing Instructions: This is a brief document showing the applicant’s official name, address, nationality, line of business, description of the mark it intends to file, and the list of goods/services (in our local practice) for which the trademark is or will be used.
  3. A high resolution image of the trademark in JPEGformat (400 x 200 Pixels if the image is in Horizontal view) or (200 x 400 Pixels if the image is in Vertical view.).
  4. In the event of claiming priority, if any, a certified copy of the priority application (without legalization) along with a simple English translation for the same must be submitted with the TMO

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