
It is reasonable to say that the trademark in the Application is the shape of the product that is exclusively selected to enhance the function of the product or the like or according to the aesthetic impression. The trademark right can be almost permanently held, which causes a result of an almost permanent monopoly of the shape of the product or the like by a specific person that exceeds the duration of the right protected by the Patent Act.

The trademark in the Application is a trademark including another person’s name in its configuration, and it is not acknowledged that the trademark in the Application is approved by the other person. Therefore, the trademark in the Application falls under Article 4(1)(viii) of the Trademark Act and cannot be registered.
“a trademark containing the name of another person cannot be registered as a trademark, except those the registration of which has been approved by the person concerned, and there is no need to consider matters such as whether or not the applicant’s business and the other person’s business are in competition, or which of the applicant’s trademark and the other person’s trademark is more famous or well-known.”
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