- 2016-04-18 Parody trademark won the case at IP High Court in Japan
- 2016-04-17 Exception of parallel imports in Japan
- 2016-04-15 The Act for Partial Revision of STLT (JPO)
- 2016-04-13 韓国特許庁 「2015年度 主に盗用される商標資料集」発刊 by Kim & Chang
- 2016-04-08 韓国商標法改正について by MARKKOREA
- 2016-02-18 WIPO News: Chance to Clarify Scope of International Registrations designating the European Union
- 2016-02-15 Non-Traditional trademarks filing is now over 1,200
- 2016-02-05 TMView vs Global Brand Database for Japanese TM Search
- 2016-01-23 Tradeamark Registration/Renewal fees to be lowered in Japan
- 2016-01-20 OHIM will be re-named to EUIPO